Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 02-11-2015


Resolution No.(67): "Ruling on Dividing Land in Accordance with Tameem Ad-Dari`s Endowment"

Date: 23/5/1424 AH corresponding to 23/7/2003 AD.


The Board received the following question:

How to divide an inherited plot of land {Waqf Tameem Ad-Dari type} amongst eligible heirs, taking into consideration that it is located within the borders of Al-Khalil Municipality. Is it possible to divide it according to Sharia, or the Ottoman Land Code?

Answer: All success is due to Allah.

After deliberation, the Board is of the view that the revenue of the aforementioned plot and the structure on it is to be divided according to Sharia, and not the Ottoman Land Code. This is because it isn`t a miri land stated in the Ottoman Land Code, rather, it is registered as an endowment of Tameem Ad-Dari`s type, located within the borders of Al-Khalil Municipality. And Allah Knows Best.


  Iftaa` Board

Chairman of the Iftaa` Board, Chief Justice, Izz Al-Deen Al-Tamimi

                    Dr. Mohammad Abu Yahia     

             Dr. Ahmad Hilayil       

                         Sheikh Mahmoud Shwayyaat

                    Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Abbadi

             Dr. Yousef Gheezaan

         Dr. Wasif Al-Bakhri

            Sheikh Saeid Hijjawi

                 Sheikh Na`eim Mujahid


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Summarized Fatawaa

What should a woman who delayed making up for missed fast, due to menstruation, till the start of the next Ramadhaan ?

Whosoever broke fasting in Ramadhaan, and was able to make up for it, but didn`t until the next Ramadhaan started, is obliged to make up for the missed days, and to pay the ransom as well. However, if he/she wasn`t able to before next Ramadhaan due to an excuse, then he/she should only make up for the missed days .

Is the Woman wearing an Islamic veil permitted to uncover the veil in front of her brother in law, husband of paternal uncle`s daughter and husband of sister in law?  

Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
The punishment for Zina (Adultery and extramarital relations) is the same for men and women: 100 lashes for the unmarried to be witnessed by a group of the believers. Definitely, this person has incurred the wrath of Allah; however, he must make repentance immediately, refrain from this grave sin, and seek Allah`s forgiveness. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

Is it permissible to make up for missed fast after the beginning of the second half of the month of Sha`ban(the month before Ramadhaan) ?

Yes, it is permissible, but one who had missed fasts should hasten to make up for them. As for the Hadith mentioned in this regard, the prohibition is for offering absolute voluntary fasting.

Is it permissible for a woman to swear a false oath by the Holy Quran to please her distrustful husband?

It is forbidden for a person to do so since this is considered a false oath(Yamaan Ghamoos) which dips(Yaghmos) its taker in Hellfire if he/she doesn`t seek repentance, and he/she has to expiate for that oath. You should avoid any doubtful acts so that your husband`s chest remains clear from the evil suggestions of the devil.