Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 26-03-2024



All praise be to Allah, the Lord of all worlds, who said in His decisive Book: "So ask the people of the message if you do not know," and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, who said: "Whoever Allah wants good for, He grants him understanding in religion." May Allah be pleased with the honorable companions, the pure household (Ahl al-Bayt), and the diligent scholars who continued the path after their Prophet, delivered the trust, spread the religion, educated the Muslims, and provided solutions to issues in accordance with the divine methodology they received from the Prophet, peace be upon him.


The Iftaa` Council in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has been authorized to issue fatwas (religious rulings) on general issues, contemporary matters, and issues related to official entities. As for other matters, they are answered by the knowledgeable scholars based on the knowledge bestowed upon them by Allah.


The Iftaa` Law specifies that a number of scholars participate in this council due to their positions. This includes the Kingdom's Grand Mufti, the Mufti of the Jordan Armed Forces, the Mufti of the Capital, the dean of one of the Sharia faculties, a representative from the Ministry of Awqaf, Islamic Affairs and Sites, a representative from the Chief Justice Department, in addition to five reputable jurists known for their expertise in the scholarly circles.


Several esteemed scholars have taken turns as members of this council, where they discuss the presented issues and reach decisions through consensus or majority agreement.


Over the years, many issues related to people's lives have been addressed through these decisions. We wanted to gather and organize them, and present them in a printed book to facilitate reference and benefit for specialists, as well as to make it easier for students of knowledge to access them.

May Allah reward all those who participated in it with the best reward, have mercy on those who have passed away among them, bless the lives of those who remain, guide them, and make them beneficial for the Muslims.

And may Allah's blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and all his companions.


Grand Mufti, Dr. Nooh Ali Salman Al-Qhodat

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Summarized Fatawaa

After our father had passed away, my brother and I stayed with our mother for twenty years and served her to the best of our effort. However, she asked our other brothers (3) to support her financially but they refused to pay her anything. As a result, she gave her share of the inheritance to me and my brother. What is the ruling of Sharia on this?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
It is recommended to give one`s children, males and females, equally. However, your mother is allowed to give one of them more than the others because he/she is needy or more dutiful to her than the others. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.  

Is it permissible for a man to propose to a woman during her `Iddah(waiting period)?

It is impermissible to propose to a woman in her `Iddah, but there is no harm in making an implication to such an end in case she was observing it due to the death of her husband.

Is it permissible for a woman to pluck her eyebrows, or to shave them and have a tattoo in their place?

It is forbidden for a woman to pluck her eyebrows, or to shave them and have a tattoo in their place since this is called (Nums), and the Prophet(PBUH) has cursed those who do it.

Is it permissible for one to masturbate in order not to commit fornication?

This is called committing the milder of the two evils such as eating a carcass in fear of death, and this happens when committing fornication is very likely to occur.