All Fatawaas

It is Permissible to Favor a Child with a Gift for a Valid Sharia Reason

Is it allowed for my father to give me a sum of money to pay off debts that I have incurred to avoid being sued by creditors, and would my father be sinful for not giving the same amount to my other siblings in the interest fairness among children Read More

It is Obligatory for the Borrower to Repay the Loan in the Same Form it was Borrowed

A husband took a certain amount of gold from his wife, and when it was time to repay, the wife demanded the gold itself, not its monetary value. Is she entitled to do so?

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The Creditor has the Option to Recover the Debt from the Guarantor or the Heirs

My father borrowed a sum of money from my mother, and I told her: If my father does not repay you, I will pay on his behalf. After years, my father passed away, and now my mother demands repayment of the amount. Should I pay off the debt on behalf of my father, or are the heirs responsible for repaying it, knowing that the estate has been divided among all the heirs?

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Eating from the Open Buffet should Comply with the Instructions

Three people and an eight-year-old entered an open buffet. Upon entry, they paid for three. What is the ruling regarding the child eating with his father? Note that the restaurant requires individuals aged 5 years and above to pay 10 dinars.

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Islam Prohibits Hoarding every Product Needed by Society

I trade in food products. However, some traders hoard items because they know that their prices will increase in the near future. What is the ruling of Islam on this?

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Whispers of the Soul don`t Waive Creditor`s Right to Claim Debts

A creditor whispered to himself: "If the debtor repays the debt in this worldly life, it is my right. If he does not, then I have forgiven him in the Hereafter. "However, he continued to demand this debt, but encountered procrastination from the debtor. According to Islamic Law, is it permissible for the creditor to retract his forgiveness in the Hereafter, knowing the virtue of forgiveness in the sight of Allah The Almighty?

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The Expenses of Dividing the Inheritance are Deducted from the Heirs according to their Respective Shares

A piece of land jointly owned by several heirs was sold through a broker. Should the broker's fee be deducted from the sale price before dividing the amount among the heirs, considering that one of the heirs (the stepmother) passed away and her heirs weren`t informed about the broker's fee?

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Ruling on organizing a competition to increase the proceeds of the charitable bazaar

We are an association responsible for organizing a bazaar. We have proposed the idea of announcing a prize (in the form of a car), which will be displayed at the bazaar site for a draw through ticket numbers paid for. The association sells these tickets to the public at a nominal price, and the winner of the car ownership is determined by the draw of the ticket. It is worth mentioning that the draw process is random. The charitable association organizing this aims to increase the proceeds of the bazaar in order to increase the quantity of relief materials intended to be sent to the Gaza Strip. What is the Islamic ruling on this?
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Islamic Ruling on Paying the Rent of the Imam`s Residence from the Donations Fund

Considering that the Imam resides outside the boundaries of the mosque, is it permissible to pay the rent of the his residence from the mosque`s donations fund?

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It is Prohibited to Trade with the Financial Leverage System

What is the Islamic ruling on trading in Forex, knowing that some companies have informed me that leverage is not a loan but a financial tool to amplify capital value, in addition to the absence of swap commissions?

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Islamic Ruling on Jordan Lotto

What is the ruling of Islamic Law on Jordan Lotto?

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Ruling on Taking back a Gift the Father had Offered to his Child

What is the ruling of Sharia on taking back a gift the father had offered to his child? 
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Death of Creditor doesn`t Absolve Debtor from Paying the Installments

My maternal uncle bought an apartment through an Islamic bank and wanted to sell it to me before he completed the installments. He had paid the bank 5,000 dinars and said to me: 'Buy the apartment from me in return for 7,000 dinars (5,000 paid as down payment and 2,000 as profit ), and you continue paying the bank installments. Once they are completed, the transfer of ownership will occur.' I paid him 7,000 dinars and continued to pay the apartment installments through the same bank via his account until now. However, my uncle passed away and the bank absolved him from the remaining installments. Am I absolved from these installments as well?

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Islamic Ruling on Substituting Medications in Health Insurance Contracts

As an employee in a private company with health insurance, sometimes I have leftover medications from a prescription or medications that I didn't use. Is it permissible to exchange them at the pharmacy for other medications or non-medical items of the same value?

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The Impact of one Partner Carrying out the Work and Compensating for the Shortcomings of the other Partner in a Business Partnership

I began working with an online platform as a lecturer for one of the university subjects. The arrangement was that I provide (60%) of the content, and the platform manager takes (40%) for advertising the course, as well as uploading the videos to the platform. Lately, I've noticed a lapse in the platform's responsibilities. I handle the teaching, advertising, and video uploads, while they haven't fulfilled their agreed-upon duties. Is it permissible for me to take the full (100%) considering their non-compliance with the agreed terms? I have informed the responsible party about the shortcomings, but it has been to no avail. Consequently, I decided to work independently without using their platform and take the full percentage. Is this permissible?

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