All Fatawaas

Ruling of Islamic Law on Paying the Zakat of Olives with Old Oil

Is it permissible to give the zakat of olives from the old oil rather than new oil?
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Who should Pay the Zakah of a Land`s Produce: the Farmer or the Owner?

How should the Zakah, due on a land`s produce, be calculated in light of the agreements concluded between farmers and owners of agricultural lands?

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Zakah on Citrus Fruits

I`m a trader and I lease a citrus farm for five years in return for (1000)JDs per year, and I make (20000)JDs as annual profit. However, I pay for expenses such as fertilizers, security, irrigation, pesticide, and the like. Could you clarify the amount of Zakah due on me, and whether I should deduct the costs before I calculate the Zakah or not?

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Zakah on Wheat: Nissab and Amount

How should I calculate the Zakah on wheat?

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Crops and Fruits Liable for Zakah

What are the crops liable for Zakah, and what is the way to calculate their Nissab (minimum amount liable for Zakah)? And is it permissible to pay their Zakah in cash?

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