All Fatawaas

Explanation of why the Prophet (PBUH) Refused to Grant Ali Permission for Second Marriage

Could You (Grand Mufti) explain why the Prophet (PBUH) refused to grant Ali, who is already married to Fatima, permission for second marriage?

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Combining two Seemingly Contradictory Hadiths on Lineage

What is the basis on which the two following seemingly contradictory Hadiths were combined: First, "The boy is for (the owner of) the bed and the stone is for the person who commits illegal sexual intercourse."{Related by Bukhari & Muslim}. Second, " Any woman who brings to her family one who does not belong to it has nothing to do with Allah (i.e. expects no mercy from Allah), and Allah will not bring her into His Paradise."{Related by Abu Dawud}.

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"New Moon Appearing Older than its True Age" is a Non-Authentic Hadith

Is it true that the Prophet (PBUH) said that it`s from the signs of the Last Hour that the new moon would appear older than its true age?

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There is no Specific Prayer in Prophetic Sunnah on the Last Friday of Ramadan

Is the following Hadith authentic:"Whosoever missed any prayer during his lifetime should perform 4 Raka's with one Tashahood (An invocation that is recited at the middle or end of the Prayer while sitting), recite Al-Fatiha verse, recite Al-Khawther and Al-Qadar verses for 15 time in each Raka' and finally he must make his intention and says:"I intend to perform 4 Raka's for what I have missed of prayers."?

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It is better to Offer Duha Prayer in the Mosque Solely

Is the following Hadith graded as Sahih(authentic): "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: If anyone goes out from his house after performing ablution for saying the prescribed prayer in congregation (in the mosque), his reward will be like that of one who goes for hajj pilgrimage after wearing ihram (robe worn by the hajj pilgrims). And he who goes out to say the mid-morning (duha) prayer, and takes the trouble for this purpose, will take the reward like that of a person who performs umrah. And a prayer followed by a prayer with no worldly talk during the gap between them will be recorded in Illiyyun." If it is graded as Sahih, what is intended by "And he who goes out to say the mid-morning (duha) prayer." Isn`t it better to perform supererogatory prayer at home?

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Meaning of the Prophetic Hadith""Beware! The extremists perished," saying it three times."

What is meant by the term ”Tanatu`” and what is meant by the Hadith: “Ruined are those who insist on hardship in matters of the Faith.”

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Ruling on Residing in a Non-Muslim Country

What is the correct interpretation of the Hadith in which the Prophet (PBUH) said, "I am free from every Muslim that lives among the idolaters."? For someone who wants to work or obtain a degree, what is the legal ruling that can be derived from this Hadith?

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The Hadith in which it was Reported that a Jew Came to the Prophet and Said: "You are Setting up Rivals (to Allah) and Associating others (with Him)."

It was narrated from 'Abdullah bin Yasar, from Qutailah, a woman from Juhainah,  that a Jew came to the Prophet and said: "You are setting up rivals (to Allah) and associating others (with Him). You say: 'Whatever Allah wills and you will,' and you say: 'By the Ka'bah.'" So the Prophet commanded them, if they wanted to swear an oath, to say: "By the Lord of the Ka'bah;" and to say: "Whatever Allah wills, then what you will." Clearly, this Hadith could give the impression that the companions of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) associated partners in worship with Allah, how can we clear this misunderstanding?

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Does the Angel of Death Look at every Person Five Times a Day?

Is it true that the angel of death looks at every person five times a day?

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Problem of Hadith, "Just now I have seen something which I never saw before at this place of mine, including Paradise and Hell."

An atheist claims that the Hadith of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him): "Just now I have seen something which I never saw before at this place of mine, including Paradise and Hell", and that was during the solar eclipse, contradicts  with the Hadith  that he saw Paradise and Hell during the Night of Miraj, also known as the Night of Ascension. How can this contradiction be eliminated?

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A Da`if (Unreliable) Hadith Describing Al-Hur Al-'Ein

How authentic is the Hadith narrated on the authority of Um Salamah in which she asked the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about the meaning of verse 37, chapter Al-Waqi`ah: " Beloved (by nature), equal in age,-" ? In this Hadith, the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied: " Women who died while decrepit, bleary eyed and elderly in the world……….etce."

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The Prophetic Narration ("If a man calls his wife to his bed and she refuses..) is Meant for the Wife

What is the interpretation of the narration about wife's abstaining from going to bed with husband? And does it apply to both spouses?

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"The Supplications are Answered on Five Nights" isn`t a Hadith of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon him)

"The supplications are answered on five nights: the first night of Rajab, the night of the middle of Sha`ban, the night of Friday, the night of Al-Fitr, and the night of Al-Adha. " is this an authentic Hadith?

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"One who Commits Adultery will become Poor and one who Kills will be Killed, even after a while" isn`t a Hadith

"One who Commits Adultery will become Poor and one who Kills will be Killed, even after a while" Is this a Hadith of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him)?

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What is the Ruling on Reciting the Prophetic Narration?

What is the Ruling on Reciting the Prophetic Narration?
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