Summarized Fatawaa

Subject : What are the Suitor's Right due on his Fiancée Before and After the Conclusion of Marriage Contract?
Fatwa Number : 544
Date : 16-03-2010
Classified : Proposing (for marriage)
Fatwa Type : Summarized Fatawaa

Question :

The Answer :

All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds, and may His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all of his family and companions.

The greatest rights of a suitor due upon his fiancée on her part are: exerting a serious effort in order to reach mutual understanding, strengthening ties of trust between each other by being honest in intimacy as well maintaining kind treatment, avoiding what might cause him harm and curb his happiness, reminding him to be keen on the fear of Allah, The Exalted and assuming good intention at the beginning of forming the happy Islamic family. And Allah Knows Best.



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