Zakah Calculation

Zakah Calculation

Adding cash

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Exchange Rate

Price in Local Currency

Add Gold


Add Gold

Price (gram)

Weight (gram)


Gold price in Local Currency

Note: Gold and Currency prices are global, declared and changed every time you recall the page.

Zakat has been calculated based on:

Gold Price (24 standard): 63.9 Jordanian Dinars

Gold Price (21 standard): 55.7 Jordanian Dinars

Gold Price (18 standard): 49.5 Jordanian Dinars

Summarized Fatawaa

Is Zakah (obligatory charity) due on an indebted merchant?

Debt doesn`t abrogate the dueness of Zakah, thus a debtor who has money, articles of merchandise, or other Zakah funds at his disposal should pay Zakah from them.

Is it incumbent on a husband to pay the alimony of his wife if she had left him and stayed at her parent`s without his permission?

When a wife leaves her house, and stays at her parent`s without asking her husband, she is considered a Nashiz (wife who refuses to abide by her husband’s orders), and so she doesn`t deserve an alimony.

What is the ruling on using bank cards such as Visa and MasterCard?

All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds, and may His Peace and Blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upo all of his family and comapnions.

It is permissible to use such cards in accordance with the following conditions : 1- The issuing body does not stipulate collecting interest upon late payments. 2- The merchant does not increase the price of the goods due to an increase in the commission collected from him by the card issuer.3- The purchased item(s) should not be gold , silver or currency in case the card is not covered. And Allah Knows Best.

Is it permissible for a woman to wear colored lenses?

All Perfect Praise is due to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds.

Wearing colored lenses for treatment is permissible, and wearing them as an adornment is also permissible, provided that she isn`t seen while having them on by non-Mahrams (Marriageable men). And Alalh Knows Best.