Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 05-10-2015

Resolution  No.(203) (13/2014), by The Board of Iftaa', Researches and Islamic Studies:

 "Ruling on Giving the Imam and the Mo`azin a Bonus from the Revenue of an Endowment (2014)"

Date: (25/Shawal/1435 A.H); corresponding to (21/8/2014 A.D)


All praise is due to Allah, peace and blessings be upon Prophet Mohammad and upon his family and companions:

The Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies reviewed, in its tenth session held on Thursday (25/Shawal/1435 A.H)-(21/8/2014 A.D), the formal letter of His Eminence, the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Religious Endowments, and it reads as follows:

Would Your Grace clarify the Sharee`ah ruling on the permissibility of paying a monthly bonus to the Imam and the Mo`azin of Al-Bahir Mosque from the revenue of the stores located under it ?

After careful study and deliberation, the Board decided what follows:

There is no harm in paying a bonus to both from the revenue of this

blessed endowment (Waqf) in line with the condition made by the Waqif (Founder of the Waqf) mentioned in the enclosed document of the Waqf: “The revenue of this building is to be completely spent in favor of Al-Bahir`s mosque, and at the disposal of the committee in charge of it.”

In other words, the mosque`s committee enjoys the authority of determining the channels of disbursement that it believes to be in the best interest of the mosque. Accordingly, it is Islamicaly and rationally acceptable for the committee to regard paying the bonus as an apparent interest of the mosque`s since it encourages both of them to exert all their efforts in serving the prayer performers and delivering the message of the mosque honestly and sincerely through making use of being devoted and self-sufficient. Nevertheless, it is imperative that coordination is established with the Ministry of Religious Endowments in order to obtain the special permit since it enjoys the general guardianship over all the Awqaf (Endowments), and in order for this matter to be done in line with the blessings of the officials in charge and with complete honesty, Allah willing. And Allah Knows Best.

Head of the Iftaa` Board, The Mufti General of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, His Grace Sheikh Abdulkareem Al-Khasawneh.

Dr. Yahia Al-Botoosh/ Member

His Eminence, Sheikh Sa`ied Hijjawi/ Member

Dr. Mohammad Khair Al-Essa/ Member

Prof. Abduln`nassir Abu Al Bass`al/ Member

Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalayleh/ Member

Dr. Mohammad Al-Zou`bi/ Member


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Summarized Fatawaa

1-A young man whose father and grandfather are dead has died leaving a mother, two sisters and a brother. Do his paternal uncles inherit him?2- A man died leaving daughters, a wife, brothers, a mother or no mother. It is well known that the daughters inherit two thirds and the wife one eighth. To whom does the rest of the estate go and what is the evidence on that from the texts of Sharia?

All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.
1- The full brother or the paternal half-sibling disinherits the paternal uncles. The paternal half-sibling takes one sixth and because they are from the Asabah (Male relatives on the father`s side) of the deceased they take the rest of the estate. The proof of this is that Ibn ‘Abbas (May Allah Be Pleased with them) reported God’s Messenger as saying: "Give the shares to those who are entitled to them, and what remains over goes to the nearest male heir." [Agreed upon]. In this case, nothing is left to them.
2- The brothers take the rest of the deceased`s estate and the full brother disinherits the paternal half-sibling, and the proof of this is the aforementioned narration. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

Should a woman who broke her fast because of delivery make up for missed fasting days before the next Ramadhaan, and what is the expiation due on her in case she delayed making up for them ?

She should make up for missed fasting days before the start of next Ramadhaan if possible, but if she didn`t while being able to, then she is obliged to make up for them along with feeding a needy person for each delayed day of the missed fasting days. However, if she wasn`t able to make up for the missed fasting days before the start of next Ramadhaan, she has to fast a day for every day that she missed, and no ransom is due on her.

Is it permissible for one to give the Zakah(obligatory charity) to his indebted brother?

It is permissible for one to give the Zakah to his indebted , or poor brother.

Is a woman`s nephew by suckling considered a Mahram( i.e. unmarriageable)who is permitted to accompany her to Hajj?

All that is prohibited by lineage is prohibited by suckling, and a nephew by suckling is a Mahram like a nephew by lineage ;therefore, it is permissible for him to be a Mahram for his aunt in Hajj and Umrah.