All Fatawaas

How to Distribute the Financial Benefits of Solidarity Funds among Beneficiaries

I have subscribed in the Solidarity Fund of the Jordanian Constructions Contractors Association and specified the beneficiaries, in the event of my death, as "My children." Does the word "Awladi/My Children" encompass males and females? Should the benefits be divided amongst them equally or in accordance with the rules of Sharia?

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Ruling on the Housing Loan Contract for the Staff of the Social Security Corporation

What is the ruling of Sharia on the attached housing loan contract for the staff of the Social Security Corporation?

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Ruling on Delay Penalties Charged on Pension Fund Participants

In case a member of  the Pension Fund failed to pay outstanding contributions, what is the ruling  of Sharia on imposing doubled delay penalties?

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Rulings on Bequests and Inheritance don`t apply to Funds of Solidarity Funds

A social solidarity fund has been established to provide for the families of the subscribers after the latter`s death where beneficiaries, named by subscribers, are given a compensation. Is this sum considered part of the inheritance? and is it permissible that the subscriber names certain beneficiaries other than the inheritors?

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