Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 02-11-2015


Resolution No.(175)(7/2012) by the Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies:

"The Wife`s Father is Given Priority over Husband in Determining her Place of Burial in Case she Passed away"

Date: 14/7/1433 AH, corresponding to 4/6/2012 AD.


All perfect praise be to Allah. Blessings and peace be upon Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.

On the above date, the Board reviewed the following question:

Who should be given priority to receive the dead body of the  wife or the husband, take care of the burial process, and accept the condolences, whether their marriage was valid or they were divorced. Should the husband be given the priority, the wife, the children, the husband`s or the wife`s family?

Since death suffices as a lesson, there should be no room for dispute; rather, people should agree on what is best for the deceased as regards his/her burial place and funeral.

In case of dispute, priority should be given to the close paternal relatives of the deceased. If they disagreed about his/ her burial place, then the father is given priority, then the children, then the brothers.

The four jurists have given the wife`s relatives the priority in performing her funeral prayer. In fact, the Hanafite jurists have stated: "The husband enjoys no guardianship over his deceased wife; however, he is obliged to pay for the costs of enshrouding her and all the other costs of her burial." {Rad`d Al-Mohtaar, vol.2/pp.220,206}. This opinion has been adopted by the Jordanian Civil Status Code, 2010 /Article (71).

The Malikites as well as the Shafites gave priority to the husband over his wife`s male Mahrams as regards washing her (Ghusl) and placing her in the grave, because he is allowed to look at parts of her, which others aren`t allowed to look at; therefore, her Mahrams are given priority to take care of her funeral`s affairs, and her husband has more right to handle matters which may involve her indecent exposure.

Accordingly, when there is dispute as regards determining the place of the wife`s burial, priority is given to her father, then her sons over her husband, as stated by Al-Imam Ar-ramli (May Allah bless him): "If there is a dispute as regards the burial place of the husband, who made no bequest in this regard, then priority should be given to his closest paternal relatives in deciding where to bury him. If the deceased was the wife, then her closest paternal relatives should be given priority over her husband as to where she should be buried." {Nihayat Al-Mohtajj}. Moreover, Al-Khateeb Ash-Shirbini stated: "If the father and the mother had disputed over where to bury their deceased son, then the father should have the final say." {Moghni Al-Mohtajj}.

As regards accepting the condolences, we advise both parties to reach an agreement on that  for the sake of Allah and the deceased`s. And Allah Knows Best.


Chairman of the Iftaa` Board, The Grand Mufti of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, His Grace Sheikh Abdulkareem Al-Khasawneh.

Vice-Chairman of the Iftaa` Board, Prof. Ahmad Helayel

Prof. Abduln`nassir Abu Al Bass`al/ Member

His Eminence, Sheikh Sa`ied Hijjawi/ Member

Pro. Mohammad Al-Qhodat/ Member

     Dr. Wasif Al-Bakhri

Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalayleh/ Member

Dr. Mohammad Khair Al-Essa/ Member

Dr.Mohammad Al-Zou`bi/ Member


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Summarized Fatawaa

Is it permissible for the guardian to give Sadaqa( voluntary charity )from the money of the orphans?

It is impermissible for the guardian to donate from the money of the orphans because he is entrusted with the safekeeping of that money, and is prohibited from donating it.

Is it permissible for the mother to offer an Aqeeqah (the sheep slaughtered on the seventh day from the child`s birth)for her son?

Aqeeqah is due on the one obliged to provide for the newborn, and it is permissible for the grandfather, or the mother to offer the Aqeeqah.

Should one fulfill his vow of donating an animal to the poor and needy with one sheep although he had repeated the vow several times?

Each vow has to be fulfilled, and repeating the words of the same vow for confirmation renders its fulfillment obligatory as one vow. As for multiple vows, they have to be fulfilled as well.

I have been married for five years. My husband has two sons from his first marriage. Nevertheless, I took care of his children, and gave birth to a baby boy who is now three years old. Unfortunately, we keep fighting all the time; sometimes over his two sons and sometimes over his family. If I serve his family members and praise them, he treats me kindly. If I don`t, he turns my life into living hell. What should I do?

All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds, and may His Peace and Blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all of his family and companions.

Spouses should live with each other on a footing of kindness and equity. In your case, constructive dialogue is the best course of action. We advise you to be patient, commit your affair to Allah and ask Him to help you. We also recommend that you seek the help of the people of goodness and make them fix things between you and your husband. If all attempts for reconciliation fail then go to court, but we remind you that a problem, which could be solved with a beautiful word, is no problem at all, so praise family and children and try your best to win their hearts. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.