Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 02-11-2015

Resolution No.(144)(9/2010) by the Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies:

"The Jordanian Personal Status Draft Law/2010"

Date: 16/6/1431 AH, corresponding to 30/5/2010 AD.


During its sixth session held on the above date, the Board reviewed the Jordanian Personal Status Draft Law.

After thorough studying and deliberating, it decided what follows:

The above draft law is derived from the provisions of Islamic Sharia with its four Madhabs (Schools of thought), and achieves its goals related to the family rules through protecting the rights of women, family, and children, in general; therefore, the Board recommends going on with its constitutional procedures until it is ratified.

Moreover, the Board appreciates the sincere efforts of the Supreme Judge, the Sharia Judiciary Commission and all the people that have participated in drafting this law. We pray that Allah, The Almighty, favors Islam and Muslims with success and progress. All success is due to Allah.



Head of the Iftaa` Board, The Mufti General of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, His Grace Sheikh Abdulkareem Al-Khasawneh

Vice Head of the Iftaa` Board, Dr. Ahmad Hilayel

Dr. Yahia Al-Botoosh/ Member

His Eminence, Sheikh Sa`ied Hijjawi/ Member

Dr. Mohammad Khair Al-Essa

Judge Sarrie Attieh

Dr. Abdulrahman Ibbdah/ Member

Dr. Mohammad Oklah/ Member

Dr. Abduln`nassir Abu Al Bass`al/ Member

Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalayleh/ Member

Dr. Mohammad Al-Gharaibeh/ Member

Executive Secretary of the Iftaa` board, Dr. Ahmad Al-has`sanat

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Summarized Fatawaa

Is it permissible for the doctor to uncover the hair of a female patient out of necessity?

It is only permissible for him to do so when there is no female doctor, and he should examine the patient in the presence of one of her Mahrams(unmarriageable kin).

When Iddah (Waiting period) is Initiated for Deceased's Wife 

All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds, and may His Peace and Blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all of his family and companions.

Iddah is observed on the same date at which her husband passed away for four months, but as for the pregnant, it is observed at the date she gives birth. And Allah Knows Best. 

Should one fulfill his vow of donating an animal to the poor and needy with one sheep although he had repeated the vow several times?

Each vow has to be fulfilled, and repeating the words of the same vow for confirmation renders its fulfillment obligatory as one vow. As for multiple vows, they have to be fulfilled as well.

I`m a building contractor. I have been building a house for a client, but the construction process stopped for some reason. Unfortunately, currently, prices of materials have multiplied, is it allowed for me to demand an increase in the agreed price?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
It is more appropriate to approach the client and try to reach a mutually satisfactory solution. And Allah the Almighty knows best.