الموقع الرئيسي


Launching the General Iftaa Department's Channel on Whatsapp
Author : The General Iftaa` Department
Date Added : 27-11-2023

Launching the General Iftaa Department's Channel on Whatsapp


The General Iftaa` Department launched its channel on the Whatsapp social communication application, providing citizens with the opportunity to follow fatwas, Iftaa` Council`s Resolutions, and videos issued by the Department.

The launching of this service comes with the aim of sharing the religious views of the General Iftaa` Department on issues concerning daily life situations. It seeks to promote awareness, guidance, correct any misconceptions, and enhance the content published through this application to convey the true message of Islam— moderate and balanced — to the citizens.


For those interested in subscribing, they can follow the channel through the link:


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Warning: this window is not dedicated to receive religious questions, but to comment on topics published for the benefit of the site administrators—and not for publication. We are pleased to receive religious questions in the section "Send Your Question". So we apologize to readers for not answering any questions through this window of "Comments" for the sake of work organization. Thank you.

Summarized Fatawaa

 If a disposable water bottle has the logo (Al-Aziz Water Shop) ,is it allowed to throw it away considering that (Al-Aziz) is one of Allah`s beautiful names?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
You can remove some of the letters so that the word isn`t read as (Al-Aziz). And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

Zakah due on a woman`s jewelry?

Zakah(obligatory charity) isn`t due on a woman`s jewelry used for ornament, provided that the value of each peace is within the range common amongst people.

Is it permissible to fish on Saturday?

It is permissible for Muslims to fish on any day, but the sons of Israel are the ones forbidden to fish on Saturday. Moreover, there is no evidence in Islamic Sharia prohibiting Muslims from fishing on that day.

Is it permissible for a father to disinherit his disobedient, alcohol consuming son and his daughter who had fled home and never returned?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
It is permissible to give heirs some money because of their being extra obedient or needy. As far as inheritance is concerned, it is to be divided after one`s death, so it had better be left to the court itself. And Allah the Almighty knows best.