دائرة الافتاء

Summarized Fatawaa

How to pay Zakah(obligatory charity) on articles of merchandise?

Articles of merchandise are estimated by their whole sale market price at the end of each lunar year, and (2.5%) of their value is paid as Zakah whether it(value) went up, or down compared to actual purchasing price, and whether the increase(profit) was in the article itself such as an increase in the animal`s weight, or in the prices themselves.

What is the ruling on having slight discharges of menstrual blood during a day of Ramadhaan, and before Maghrib time ?

A woman who is certain that her menses have started during a day time of Ramadhaan is in a state of menstruation, and her fasting is considered broken at first sight of blood. However, she is rewarded for not breaking fast at the beginning of day time.

Is it true that if a ritually impure, or a menstruating woman visits one who is in confinement, harm will be inflicted on the latter, or her baby?

This is completely wrong and unfounded piece of information.

Is Zakah(obligatory charity) due on rented property, and how is it calculated?

Zakah isn`t due on the rented property itself, but on the saved income from that property if it reached Nissab(minimum amount liable for Zakah), and a whole lunar year had lapsed over saving it.