Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 20-03-2017

Resolution No.(235)(3/2017) by the Board of Iftaa, Research and Islamic Studies:

"Getting Rid of Ill-Gotten Money"

Date: (7/Jumada Al-Akhira/1438), corresponding to (6/3/2017)


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds, and may His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.

During the second session held on the above date, the Board reviewed the following question: 

I have worked for a usurious bank, but I`m now retired. Out of my salaries, I managed to construct a building of my own, and leased it against (1200 Dinars) per month. Is this income lawful? are my children allowed to benefit from it?, and how can I purify that money?

After deliberations, the Board decided the following:

There is no harm that you and your children benefit from the revenue of that building regardless of its source because the sin of usury or helping others to commit that sin falls on the person himself, has nothing to do with the money, and that person can free himself from the liability by sincere repentance, seeking Allah`s forgiveness, and never committing that sin again. It is hoped that this in addition to giving charity will avail in purifying that money, with Allah`s mercy and forgiveness. And Allah Knows Best.


Grand Mufti of Jordan/Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalayleh

Vice-Chairman of Iftaa` Board/Prof. Abdullah Al-Fawaaz

Sheikh Sa`eid Hijjawee/Member

Dr. Mohammad Khair Al-Esa/Member

Judge Khaled Wuraikat/Member

Dr. Mohammad al-Zou`bi/Member


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Summarized Fatawaa

Is it permissible to give lessons to mixed students of the seventh grade?

It is impermissible to give private lessons to mixed students since such an act leads to serious consequences for the students in this grade are teenagers.

 By slip of the tongue, my son cursed Allah. It is worth pointing that he has concluded his marriage contract recently, but haven`t consummated the marriage. What is the position of Sharia on this? 

All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.
This person must return to the fold of Islam by uttering the two testimonies of faith and making repentance to Allah from all acts that lead to disbelief. Also, he must make a new marriage contract because the old one was dissolved after he had committed this act of disbelief. Moreover, since there is no waiting period for his wife, then she is in state of Talaq ba`en baynona Soghra (Minor irrevocable divorce); consequently, she can get back to him only by a new marriage contract. And Allah the Almighty knows best. 

Is it permissible to delay menses by using medication in order to fast Ramadhaan?

It is permissible for a woman to use medication in order to delay her menses so that it becomes lawful for her to fast Ramadhaan, but it is better that she doesn`t do so, and taking the medication is prohibited if she, or her doctors know that it involves a risk on her health.

Is it permissible for a person to give the Zakah(obligatory charity) to his daughter-in-law?

Yes, it is permissible for a person to give the Zakah to his daughter-in-law if she was poor, and wasn`t provided for sufficiently by whomever is obliged to provide for her.