Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 02-11-2015


Resolution No.(101) by the Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies

 “Sharia Ruling on Lying in Sale”

Date: 4/4/1427 AH, corresponding to 3/5/2006 AD







Is it permissible for a trader to say that a certain item is made in Italy-for example-while it is either made in China, or made in China and shipped to Italy, or most of its parts are made in Italy and some of them are made in China?


The Board is of the view that a Muslim-whether a trader, a salesman, or whatever his work may be-must be truthful in all that he says and always tell the truth about each item that he promotes. It is forbidden for him to resort to lying and cheating under any circumstances. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: “Truth leads to piety and piety leads to Jannah(Paradise). A man persists in speaking the truth till he is recorded with Allah as a truthful man. Falsehood leads to transgression and transgression leads to the Hell-fire. A man continues to speak falsehood till he is recorded with Allah as a great liar.“ {Bukhari & Muslim}. He also said: “He who deceives isn`t of us.“ {Muslim}. And he (PBUH) said: “A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim, so it is impermissible for a Muslim to sell a deficient item to his brother without mentioning that to him “ {Bukhari}. And Allah Knows Best.





Chairman of Iftaa' Board, Cheif Justice/ Dr. Ahmad Hilayel                 

Dr. Yousif Ghaytan





Dr.Abdel Majeed Al-Salaheen

Sheikh Saeed Al-Hajawy

Dr. Wasif Al-Bakri                Sheikh Abdl-Kareem  Al-Khasawneh   

Sheikh Naeem Mojahid 

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Summarized Fatawaa

After our father had passed away, my brother and I stayed with our mother for twenty years and served her to the best of our effort. However, she asked our other brothers (3) to support her financially but they refused to pay her anything. As a result, she gave her share of the inheritance to me and my brother. What is the ruling of Sharia on this?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
It is recommended to give one`s children, males and females, equally. However, your mother is allowed to give one of them more than the others because he/she is needy or more dutiful to her than the others. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.  

I said to my wife: "You are forbidden to me in bed as is my sister." What is the ruling of Sharia on this?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
You have to fast for two consecutive months before having an intercourse with her. If you can`t, then you have to feed sixty poor persons; a meal for each that is equal half a JD. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

What is the Time for Making up Fajr Prayer and Other Missed Ones?

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "Whoever forgets a prayer, let him perform it when he remembers it." [Moslim]. As soon as you (Questioner) wake up, you are obliged to make up the missed Fajr prayer. And Allah Knows Best.

I`m a married young man. I fell in love with a widow and proposed to her but her family refused because they feared that this would have an adverse impact on the future of her children. However, we entered into unregistered marriage and told my family and even my wife about it. I`m a god-fearing person and want to clear myself from any liability before Allah. What should I do?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of The Worlds. May His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
It is imperative that you proclaim this marriage to preserve rights. Therefore, you must register it in an Islamic court. A second marriage isn`t forbidden, however, if the unregistered marriage had taken place without the consent of the woman`s guardian nor the presence of two honorable witnesses, then it is considered void and your relationship with this woman is forbidden. Therefore, you must conclude a new marriage contract with the approval of her guardian and the presence of two honorable witnesses. We advise you to fear Allah and adhere to the teachings of Sharia in this regard since sinful conduct is that which turns in your heart (making you feel uncomfortable) and you dislike that it would be disclosed to other people. And Allah the Almighty knows best.