Department of General Ifta Web site was the best government web site for the year 2009

The General Ifta Department web site won the golden prize (first rank) as the best government electronic web site in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for the year 2009.

Several formal web sites participated in the competition which was held by the JORDAN WEB AWARDS.

It is worth mentioning that there are several criteria adopted by the evaluation committee when choosing the winner site. Some of these criteria are related to the ideas, creativity, easy browsing, content, visual art, and degree of being interactive with site visitors.

Summarized Fatawaa

What is the ruling on a woman shaking hands with the brothers of her husband`s father, and not putting on Islamic wear before them?

The aforesaid are strangers to the their brother`s son`s wife, therefore, it is forbidden for her to take off her Islamic wear before them, or to shake hands with them.

I married a man and had two children; however, we got separated four years ago. In addition, my husband`s brother, paternal uncle of my children, has been providing for them ever since. In fact, he is an honest, well-behaved man. Is it permissible that we get married although his brother (My ex-husband) is still alive?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of The Worlds. May His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
It is temporarily prohibited for a woman to marry her stepbrother. Therefore, once she receives Talaq Ba`in (Irrevocable divorce), she is allowed to marry her stepbrother, even if his brother (First husband) is still alive. And Allah the Almighty knows best.

Is it permissible for a person to give the Zakah(obligatory charity) to his daughter-in-law?

Yes, it is permissible for a person to give the Zakah to his daughter-in-law if she was poor, and wasn`t provided for sufficiently by whomever is obliged to provide for her.

I`m a god-fearing woman. I`m two months pregnant but my husband insists that I have an abortion?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May Allah`s peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
It isn`t permissible for you to abort the fetus unless it endangers the mother`s life. Therefore, try to convince your husband to change his mind and encourage him to pay us a visit. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.