Some Fatwas of Hajj

Expenses of Hajj


 * Is a Muslim Obliged to Sell his Land to Cover the Expenses of Hajj?

 * Ruling on Performing Hajj with Stolen and Usurious Money


The Ihram



* The Intention to Assume Ihram should be Made when Reaching the Miqat

* Passed the Miqat without Intending Umrah then Changed his Mind



* A Minor`s Hajj is Valid, but doesn`t Make up for Hajj after Puberty

* Ruling on Changing the Type of Hajj after Entering Makkah

* When should a Pilgrim Lift the Restrictions of Ihram?

* One who Intends to Perform Hajj isn`t Allowed to Pass the Miqat without Assuming Ihram

* The Miqat for the Person Arriving from Riyad

* Ruling on Having Sexual Intercourse after Offering Umrah for Tamattu` Hajj

* Ruling on Killing Ants during Ihram

* One who Leaves a Pillar of Umrah Remains in a State of Ihram

*A Pilgrim who Hasn`t Finished his Hajj Rites isn`t Allowed to Assume Ihram for Umrah

* Ruling when a Muhrim Uses an Umbrella for Shade

* Ruling on Touching the Perfume on Ka`ba while Observing Ihram

* Wearing Ordinary Clothes for Ihram due to Being on Duty

* Ruling on Person who Engaged in Sexual Intercourse before Tahallul from Ihram for Umra








* Does the Arrival Tawaf Avail for the Tawaf of Umrah?

* Does Tawaf for Umrah Compensate for the Missed Tawaf of Ifadah ?

* A Pilgrim couldn`t Perform Tawaf Al-Ifadah after Minor Termination of Ihram

* Ruling on a Child's Tawaf If Ka'bah wasn't to His Left

* Haven`t Left Mek`ah after the Last Tawaf, what is the Ruling?

* Ruling on Discontinuing Tawaf to Perform Prayer

* Ruling on Performing Voluntary Tawaf for less than Seven Times

* Tawaf for a Woman in Menses







* Resolution No.(134) Ruling on the Second Sa`y in Hajj-at-Tamattu



Throwing the Pebbles 



* Ruling on Throwing Pebbles while Riding a Means of Transportation

Stoning Jamrat Al-Aqaba from the Northern Side is Permissible

* Resolution No. (186): "The Time For Stoning the Jamarat During Hajj"

* The Time for Stoning the Jamaraat on the Day of An-Nahr and the Days of Tashreeq

* Stoning the Jamaraat is an Obligatory Ritual of Hajj and Authorizing someone to do that without a Valid Excuse is Impermissible






* Permissibility of Slaughtering the Hady in Tamatu` and Qiraan Hajj before the Day of An-Nahr

* Slaughtering the Hady in Tamattu and Quiraan Hajj is obligatory; if a Pilgrim couldn't, He must Fast Instead

* Offered Qiraan Hajj and Asked his Family Back Home to Slaughter the Hady

* Ruling on Authorizing a Trusted Entity to Slaughter Obligatory Hady before Assuming Ihram for Hajj

* Ruling on Eating from the Sacrificial Animal of Tamattu` Hajj





Spending a Night  



* Ruling on Spending the Night in Mina during the Days of Tashreeq





* Ruling on Authorizing Someone to Perform Hajj on Behalf of Another

* Is it Permissible for a Muslim to Perform Haj on Behalf of another before Performing it himself?

* Is it Permissible to Perform Hajj on Behalf of one`s Father who Left Prayer?




Miscellaneous Fatwas




* The Purpose of Performing Hajj

* Ruling on Banning Muslims from Haj and Umra due to Spread of Pandemic

* Islamic Ruling on Trading in Hajj Visas

* Fulfilling an Obligatory Oath as regards Performing Hajj

* Sin, Except Sexual Intercourse, doesn`t Invalidate Hajj, but Renders Person Sinful

* Leaving out Sunnah Acts of Hajj doesn`t Affect the Validity of Hajj-Mabrur

* Ruling on Following the Imam when the Person Led in Prayer isn`t in the Same Building

* Ruling on Performing the Rites of Hajj on the Day of Annahr Orderly

* Giving Precedence to Getting one`s Son Married over Performing Hajj is up to Person`s Assessment

* Ruling when a Pilgrim Passes away or Becomes Terminally Ill before Completing the Hajj Rituals